Child abuse - Antoniushilfe does not remain silent

Time and again, we witness very painful events, including in Pakistan, namely the abuse of children. Most of these children are unnamed, far away from us. Recently, a child named Aleyna L. (name has been changed), who was involved in the Antoniushilfe school project, was sold to a human trafficker by her own father...

The following report was written by our colleague Anthony Javed:

Child abuse and neglect are serious global problems and can leave children with severe and long-lasting psychological damage in the form of physical, sexual, emotional or simple neglect of their needs.

In this case report, a 10-year-old orphan girl was physically abused by a Muslim man.

Muhammad Usman is his name.


Aleyna L. was born on October 28, 2014 in a Christian family born in Khushal Town District Faisalabad Pakistan. During the birth of Aleyna L. her mother died. After the death of Aleyna mother, her father took care of her. Her father is a laborer who lives in a rented house. He earned money every day and looked after her daughter. But Lazarus was addicted to alcohol. He used to drink alcohol every day and began to physically torture his daughter Aleyna. Every time he called his daughter with horrible words. At some point, he probably wanted to get rid of the responsibility of being a father and sold his innocent daughter to Mohammad Usman (woman trafficker) in Mandi Faisalabad district of Pakistan on April 23, 2024. I received the call from Fr. Azhar (OP), a Dominican priest working for Anthony's Foundation in Pakistan. He told me about the case of Aleyna L. I was shocked to hear the story in my office where I work as a salaried lawyer.

I took 2 men with me and immediately drove to this prostitution center. Fortunately, when I got there, Muhammad Usman was not there. I also decided to seek the help of the police. But unfortunately, the police also support this man and took weekly bribes. Then I met a woman at the center, her name was Faiza, and she helped me find the girl Aleyna. We searched every room and finally found the girl Aleyna. She was unconscious and tied up with ropes. I undid the ropes and took the child with me and ran away from the center. Now I don't know how the trafficker knew my home and office address, because I soon received a phone call. Now he is threatening to kill my family. He warns us on the phone that he bought this girl for 400,000/- PKR and 1350/- Euros. He demands that I bring the girl back, otherwise it would be dangerous. The girl stayed in the convent with Dominican nuns for 1 week. But now she lives with a Christian Catholic family.

Anthony Javed

Faisalabad 13.05.2024

Update from 05.06.2024

Our employee Anthony is now under serious threat from the extortionists. Initially, the traffickers called him and demanded that he hand over the child, threatening to murder him and his family. This demand was repeated in a threatening letter and a sum of € 3300 was given as an alternative. We at Antoniushilfe would like to comply with this demand to pay this sum, even if some people will consider this to be a mistake. In this regard, I ask for your support. 

Update from 17.06.2024

Yesterday on 16.06.2024 an attack was carried out on our employee Anthony Javed. While riding his motorcycle with his nephew, he was deliberately pushed off the road by another motorcycle, causing him to fall. Thank goodness this incident was minor. Nevertheless, an injury to his knee and ankle was a consequence of this obviously aggressive action by these inhuman extortionists.