An accident with consequences

Our employee Anthony was injured in an accident, which has serious consequences ...

115 orphans are currently in great need, as our employee Anthony Javed suffered a dislocation of his elbow in an accident on his moped through no fault of his own, the perpetrator of which was a hit-and-run driver. Due to his absence from work as a lawyer in a law firm, he is now also unable to pay his rent etc. privately, as there is no continued payment of wages in the event of illness. Urgent medical treatment (no health insurance) for his injury is also not possible due to a lack of funds.

He has been volunteering for our Antoniushilfe e.V. initiative to support orphans for over 4 years. Anthony and his wife Sajal take the donated food to them, organise necessary medical treatment, e.g. recently a malaria treatment, as almost all the children were ill... Establishes links with the local Dominican padres, who teach 86 orphans free of charge, etc.

We ask for your support to resolve this situation quickly. Not least because of the pain that our employee is currently having to endure, as he is currently only receiving pain injections instead of the necessary treatment. I can assure you that the money of approx. 1500.- € for the treatment of Anthony will be used 1:1 for this purpose, donations that go beyond this treatment will be made available to the children for food donations and urgently needed warm clothing for the winter.

Antoniushilfe e.V. 

Reiner Wettcke Dobel 12 November 2024

Update 12.12.2024:

After great concern for our employee Anthony, as he had lost the mobility of his left arm due to the accident described above, it was possible to carry out the necessary operation on his elbow joint thanks to the sympathy of many friends of Antoniushilfe. The subsequent physiotherapy treatment will help to ensure that Anthony will soon be completely healthy again! We would like to thank everyone who has helped, not least for your prayers!


You can donate to this account:

Bank name: Sparkasse Pforzheim Calw

Name: Antoniushilfe e.V.

Purpose: Children of Lahore

IBAN: DE50 6665 0085 0005 2858 95


Please enter your address in the purpose of use, or use the form on our website so that we can send you a donation receipt! Donations can be made via PayPal on our website: